Why invest
in gold?
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In the meantime, allow us to share a few brief thoughts and suggestions. These should not be taken as the “gold standard” (forgive the pun), because we do not want to push you to purchase from us or persuade you to invest. You should always be as informed as possible to be confident in your choices.
Gold has been used as a bartering and exchange good around the world for millennia and has since been transformed into currency and worked into jewelry. Today’s quintessential safe haven asset and much more, having in the past not only preserved but also multiplied its value, even in critical, uncertain and inflationary times. It is highly soughtafter in these times of distrust in financial systems and institutions, which are widely perceived as weak and unable to protect the citizenry during geopolitical instability (especially when state debts increase).
Gold is physically rare and is ideal for safeguarding private savings and protecting investor buying power.
It is perfect for diversifying your investments, particularly over the medium-long term and during periods when neither stock nor bond returns outweigh the risks.
It is immediately convertible to cash anywhere in the world, provided that it is guaranteed and certified.
It is also an indestructible raw material that you can hold in your hands and can be purchased tax-free.
According to experts, no other investment type, not even cryptocurrencies, stocks, real estate, or bonds, have provided the same security as gold throughout history.
Di volume estremamente contenuto, è facile da custodire.
E se non vuoi pensarci, puoi depositarlo da noi di Obrelli oppure in banca.
investing in gold
Shelter asset
Physically rare
Physically guarded
Investment Diversification
Easy to keep
Instantly convertible
VAT exempt
All ingots have ‘Good Delivery’ craters according to LBMA parameters.
We at Obrelli have chosen to offer Argor Hereaus ingots in particular because of the unparalleled quality standards in production and the characteristics of the guarantees. In addition, the service offered, combined with the policies of responsibility and sustainability, respect for the environment and work, make Argor the best interlocutor imaginable.
To these we combine our own production bars signed Obrelli, which are delivered in the blister certiline with the signature of a precious metals assayer as external certifier.
We also specify that purchase proposals are sent from the site, which must be accepted by us in advance depending on the availability of the products, as stated in the contract, which we ask you to read carefully.